大人のおもちゃの訪問販売商社に働くスミレ。スミレは会社ではトップクラスの営業成績。手強い客にも持ち前の粘り強さとお色気で契約にこぎつける。生まれもった強靭なマンコとフェラテクを惜しみなく使い、今日も日々売り上げをのばしていく。Sumire works for a door-to-door sales trading company selling adult toys. She is one of the top sales performers in the company、 with the ability to get even the toughest customers to sign contracts using her natural tenacity and sex appeal. She'll use her natural strength and blowjob technique without hesitation to increase sales.・・・・
AV女優無修正動画 Spark!!
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